
Global Change Master Directory - Science Keywords

Acronym: GCMD-Sci
Publisher National Aeronautics and Space Administration (U.S.)
Created: 21 Sep 2015 𝕏
This is a copy of the GCMD Earth Science and Earth Science Services Keywords, release 8.1, curated for Research Vocabularies Australia by ARDC Staff, primarily for internal use.

More recent releases of the GCMD Earth Science and Earth Science Services Keywords for general use are available at GCMD Earth Science and Earth Science Services Keywords.

NASA request that the following citation be used by those individuals and groups using the GCMD Keywords:

Global Change Master Directory (GCMD). 2015. GCMD Keywords, Version 8.1. Greenbelt, MD: Global Change Data Center, Science and Exploration Directorate, Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). URL:



Licence: Unknown/Other

Using browse

Use this code snippet to describe or discover resources with Global Change Master Directory - Science Keywords in your system

Example: Search for and select concepts in this vocabulary

<input type="text" id="gcmd-sci" name="gcmd-sci" value="" size="80" autocomplete="off">
        mode: 'search',
        cache: false,
        repository: '',
        target_field: 'label',
        endpoint: ''
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