{ "format" : "linked-data-api", "version" : "0.2", "result" : {"_about" : "http://vocabs.ands.org.au/repository/api/lda/ga/simple-lithology/v0-1/concept.text", "definition" : "http://vocabs.ands.org.au/repository/api/lda/meta/ga/simple-lithology/v0-1/concept.text", "extendedMetadataVersion" : "http://vocabs.ands.org.au/repository/api/lda/ga/simple-lithology/v0-1/concept.text?_metadata=all", "first" : "http://vocabs.ands.org.au/repository/api/lda/ga/simple-lithology/v0-1/concept.text?_page=0", "hasPart" : "http://vocabs.ands.org.au/repository/api/lda/ga/simple-lithology/v0-1/concept.text", "isPartOf" : "http://vocabs.ands.org.au/repository/api/lda/ga/simple-lithology/v0-1/concept.text", "items" : [{"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/acidic_igneous_rock", "broader" : [{"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/acidic_igneous_material", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "acidic igneous material", "_lang" : "en"} } , {"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/igneous_rock", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "igneous rock", "_lang" : "en"} } ], "definition" : "Igneous rock with more than 63 percent SiO2.", "narrower" : [{"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/dacite", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "dacite", "_lang" : "en"} } , {"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/granitoid", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "granitoid", "_lang" : "en"} } , {"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/quartz_rich_igneous_rock", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "quartz rich igneous rock", "_lang" : "en"} } , {"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/rhyolitoid", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "rhyolitoid", "_lang" : "en"} } ], "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "acidic igneous rock", "_lang" : "en"} } , {"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/alkali-olivine_basalt", "broader" : [{"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/basalt", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "basalt", "_lang" : "en"} } ], "definition" : "Alkali olivine basalt is silica-undersaturated, characterized by the absence of orthopyroxene, absence of quartz, presence of olivine, and typically contains some feldspathoid mineral, alkali feldspar or phlogopite in the groundmass. Feldspar phenocrysts typically are labradorite to andesine in composition. Augite is rich in titanium compared to augite in tholeiitic basalt. Alkali olivine basalt is relatively rich in sodium.", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "alkali olivine basalt", "_lang" : "en"} } , {"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/alkali_feldspar_granite", "broader" : [{"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/granitoid", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "granitoid", "_lang" : "en"} } ], "definition" : "Granitic rock that has a plagioclase to total feldspar ratio less than 0.1. QAPF field 2.", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "alkali feldspar granite", "_lang" : "en"} } , {"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/alkali_feldspar_rhyolite", "broader" : [{"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/rhyolitoid", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "rhyolitoid", "_lang" : "en"} } ], "definition" : "Rhyolitoid in which the ratio of plagioclase to total feldspar is less than 0.1. QAPF field 2.", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "alkali feldspar rhyolite", "_lang" : "en"} } , {"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/alkali_feldspar_syenite", "broader" : ["http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/alkali_feldspar_syenitic_rock"], "definition" : "Alkali feldspar syenitic rock that contains 0-5 percent quartz and no feldspathoid in the QAPF fraction. QAPF field 6.", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "alkali feldspar syenite", "_lang" : "en"} } , {"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/alkali_feldspar_syenitic_rock", "broader" : [{"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/syenitoid", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "syenitoid", "_lang" : "en"} } ], "definition" : "Syenitoid with a plagioclase to total feldspar ratio of less than 0.1. QAPF fields 6, 6*, and 6'.", "narrower" : ["http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/alkali_feldspar_syenite", {"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/foid_bearing_alkali_feldspar_syenite", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "foid bearing alkali feldspar syenite", "_lang" : "en"} } , {"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/quartz_alkali_feldspar_syenite", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "quartz alkali feldspar syenite", "_lang" : "en"} } ], "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "alkali feldspar syenitic rock", "_lang" : "en"} } , {"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/alkali_feldspar_trachyte", "broader" : ["http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/alkali_feldspar_trachytic_rock"], "definition" : "Trachytoid that has a plagioclase to total feldspar ratio less than 0.1, between 0 and 5 percent quartz in the QAPF fraction, and no feldspathoid minerals. QAPF field 6.", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "alkali feldspar trachyte", "_lang" : "en"} } , {"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/alkali_feldspar_trachytic_rock", "broader" : [{"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/trachytoid", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "trachytoid", "_lang" : "en"} } ], "definition" : "Trachytoid that has a plagioclase to total feldspar ratio less than 0.1. QAPF fields 6, 6', and 6*.", "narrower" : ["http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/alkali_feldspar_trachyte", {"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/foid_bearing_alkali_feldspar_trachyte", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "foid bearing alkali feldspar trachyte", "_lang" : "en"} } , {"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/quartz_alkali_feldspar_trachyte", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "quartz alkali feldspar trachyte", "_lang" : "en"} } ], "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "alkali feldspar trachytic rock", "_lang" : "en"} } , {"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/amphibolite", "broader" : [{"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/metamorphic_rock", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "metamorphic rock", "_lang" : "en"} } ], "definition" : "Metamorphic rock mainly consisting of green, brown or black amphibole and plagioclase (including albite), which combined form 75 percent or more of the rock, and both of which are present as major constituents. The amphibole constitutes 50 percent or more of the total mafic constituents and is present in an amount of 30 percent or more; other common minerals include quartz, clinopyroxene, garnet, epidote-group minerals, biotite, titanite and scapolite.", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "amphibolite", "_lang" : "en"} } , {"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/andesite", "broader" : [{"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/fine_grained_igneous_rock", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "fine grained igneous rock", "_lang" : "en"} } , {"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/intermediate_composition_igneous_rock", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "intermediate composition igneous rock", "_lang" : "en"} } ], "definition" : "Fine-grained igneous rock with less than 20 percent quartz and less than 10 percent feldspathoid minerals in the QAPF fraction, in which the ratio of plagioclase to total feldspar is greater 0.65. Includes rocks defined modally in QAPF fields 9 and 10 or chemically in TAS field O2 as andesite. Basalt and andesite, which share the same QAPF fields, are distinguished chemically based on silica content, with basalt defined to contain less than 52 weight percent silica. If chemical data are not available, the color index is used to distinguish the categories, with basalt defined to contain greater than 35 percent mafic minerals by volume or greater than 40 percent mafic minerals by weight. Typically consists of plagioclase (frequently zoned from labradorite to oligoclase), pyroxene, hornblende and/or biotite. Fine grained equivalent of dioritic rock.", "narrower" : [{"_about" : "http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/lithology/boninite", "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "boninite", "_lang" : "en"} } ], "prefLabel" : {"_value" : "andesite", "_lang" : "en"} } ], "itemsPerPage" : 10, "next" : "http://vocabs.ands.org.au/repository/api/lda/ga/simple-lithology/v0-1/concept.text?_page=1", "page" : 0, "startIndex" : 1, "type" : ["http://purl.org/linked-data/api/vocab#ListEndpoint", "http://purl.org/linked-data/api/vocab#Page"]} }